Tuesday, July 8, 2014

June Portfolio

Kayla Nicole's Styles: Caramel highlights, long layers and loose waves.

This is a collection of my favorite hair 'dos I styled during the month of June. Let me know what you think! :)
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Pinned It & Did It: DIY Grocery Bag Holder

Pinned It & Did It: DIY Grocery Bag Holder. Put an empty wipes container to good use!

Aren't you tired of empty grocery bags taking up precious space in that kitchen drawer or under the sink? I sure was! That's where this super easy DIY comes in! I thought I had pinned a similar DIY project, but I can't seem to find it on any of my boards. I know that I didn't come up with this idea on my own! I just wish I could give due credit to the blog I got it from. Life must go on, right?
Monday, June 23, 2014

HEALTHY LUNCH: Chef Salad w/Homemade Dressing

healthy; low cal; chef salad; homemade dressing; clean eating; cheap; easy recipe; www.beauticiansaddiction.com

I am always on the quest of finding easy, cheap, low cal, healthy and filling lunch ideas. This one is high on my list. We've all seen the chef salad done before. It's not a secret find or anything spectacular. But what I do love about this meal is the fact that it's clean, VERY filling and super yummy. Not to mention, only 353 calories! 
Sunday, June 15, 2014

4 Ways to Style Growing Out Bangs

bangs, fringe, hair, hair styles, bang styles, growing out bangs, growing hair,

If you are in the process of growing out your fringe then you have probably been experiencing that awkward stage where they just want to fall in your eyes. Or maybe they are just not listening to you when you tell them to swoop to the side. They are just too long to be cute on their own but too short to flow with the rest of your cut. Sound familiar?
Monday, October 28, 2013

Pinned It & Did It: Smooth Legs w/ Aloe Fresh

I am a women of many addictions! Pinterest is another one. You don't want to know how many hours I can spend on this website. Whoever thought of it is a GENIUS.
I discovered this awesome tip of using this aloe gel for keeping my legs smooth.